Locksmith Service for Car Keys Open 24 Hour

We work with a fanciful and intelligent team of locksmith specialists. Our trademarked trucks carry the most updated equipment and technology to quickly get you safely back on the road. We’re also known for our fast timing to the scene, and can at your scene in as fast as 30 minutes"

Ignition Repair / Replacement Houston Texas

One time if happened and you've lost the keys to your Pontiac and expect that somebody may break into or steal the auto, call us for a complete re-keying or lock change service. You'll never have the ability to purchase another auto again, so why not secure the one you do have? In spite of the fact that the auto is no more in handling, we know precisely where to find original locks, be it a 1976 Sunbird Trunk Lock or a 2003 Grand Prix Door Lock.


There is nothing more disappointing than remaining outside your car, particularly during the evening. At carlocksmithkey.com, we work with all significant auto model keys, and we have some expertise in Pontiac models too. Whether you drive a more old model or a new model, we'll have the capacity to duplicate the particular car model key for you. We work 24/7, and spread the whole territory. We're greatly dedicated to our occupation, we’re committed to your safety. Our solid roadside specialists won't start working until you're totally out of any conceivable risk.


However, the modern cars employ congregation locksmith technology that might leave you in problems if you try to service it yourself. This is the cause why you need a clever pair of hands working under the coordination of a knowledgeable brain and a strong pair of eyes. One of the places where you can get these is carlocksmithkey.com which is a corporation that specializes in supporting experts throughout in Houston Texas.


With the many metals that react in the operation of locks, temperature variation is usually very unfortunate. In some cars, keys might even fail to turn or crush inside the locks or ignition barrel. Such story is the ones that need the services of expert locksmiths who are highly brilliant about the locks implicated. Our mobile stations of locksmiths are highly skilled and they are ambidextrous to release the locks or ignition barrels, find and obviate the faulty part and collect the lock to leave it as good as new. If the trouble is not big, they have the skills and tools to fix the faults without eliminate the locks or ignition key.


Most other locksmiths in Houston TX choose to send you to the vehicle manufacturer if you have a problem with this type of locks or the ignition. At carlocksmithkey.com, we are dedicated to provide you with a one stop shop for all your car locksmith problems hence we have made a point of availing all the necessary equipment and training our locksmiths on how to handle these types of ignitions or locks. This way, you can be sure that you will not be sent away with an unresolved locksmith problem when you call us in need of car lock and ignition repair.

Emergency Auto Keys


Our emergency locksmith services come with safety seal of consent. When you call for a free estimate, each and every service is being carefully thoughtful in conformity with your locksmith requirements before it is actually being suggested to you.

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Pontiac Models:

pontiac car key

Aztek, Bonneville, Catalina, Chieftain, Executive, Fiero, Firebird, G5, G6, G8, Grand Am, Grand Prix, Grand Ville, GTO, LeMans, Parisienne, Phoenix, Solstice, Star Chief, Streamliner, Sunfire, Tempest, Torpedo, Torrent, Trans Am, Ventura, Vibe.



pontiac auto keys

1990 1991 1992 1993 19904 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014